
Friday, August 9, 2019

My terrific Te reo slide

The past Fridays we have been working on our Pepeha.
I did this on google slides because that is what i'm most comfotable
on using. This has been quite fun it's a great start to my day.
Do you have fun doing your Pepeha?
Can you please say if there is anything I might have missed or could
improve on.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Super Duper Super-moon slide

On Fridays we sometimes do this thing called S.O.L it stands for Student
Organise Learning.We do a different theme each week and that week it was
Super-moons. I found it quite frustrating since the information on chrome
was based on adults and it was hard to put it into my own words.
I have not finished yet, it is a working progress can you please say if you
think there is anything I might have missed or could improve on.